Keeping chats clean with administrative features

Siena Romes
4 min readOct 11, 2021

The role of the chat owner or moderator is centralized. He or she works behind the scenes in keeping the chats clean and create a smooth experience. This means that the chat should not be crowded or filled with messages where users cannot keep up. It’s a moderator’s responsibility to let users enjoy the chat fully. Therefore, moderators are given administrative features they can use to achieve this.

Let’s see the following RumbleTalk chat features that one can use to keep the chat clean.

Delete messages as you chat

As a moderator, you can delete messages of users in the chat room. If your chat is public, then there will be spam or negative messages in the chat. Sometimes, it’s just unavoidable even if you implement chat rules.

Therefore, when you see messages like that, you can delete them one by one or in batches. This is the most basic step in keeping your chat clean. The following features in this article are more advanced.

Clear all messages in the group chat and private chat

Moderators have the option to delete all messages in the chat room. This allows you to start the chat with a clean slate.

When you do this, all messages from moderators and users will be deleted from the group and private chats. Previously, you needed to check a box for private messages to be deleted as well. Now, it’s a straightforward step. You only need to clear all chat messages and the private messages will also be deleted.

Erasing shared files from the server

In group chats, users can send images, files, and documents. Because of this, the chat can get crowded. However, even if you delete the message with an attached file, it will still be uploaded to the server.

Therefore, there are still traces of those files in the cloud. For privacy purposes, chat owners can delete traces of these files in the server. To do that, follow this guide.

  1. On your admin panel, go to History.
  2. Click Clear Chat History.
  3. Check Also delete files when prompted.
  4. Choose Yes, clear the chat history to proceed.

All the files that you have sent to the group chat and private conversations will now be deleted. This not only deletes it in the chats but also in the server. Therefore, your users will be more comfortable in using the chat room.

NOTE: This feature is still in beta stage. So, if you encounter any problems, please contact the support team through the admin panel. Click your Account Name > Support to contact them.

Administrative features help a chat to remain pristine

Chatting online poses a lot of threats. However, if you take care of your chat and users using the administrative features above, you’ll have no problem maintaining the safety of everyone.

Moderators can also pitch in. If you have a lot of chat rooms, it’s best to have moderators to watch over each chat room. If users are too crowded in one chat, then it might be harder to handle. So, moderators allow you to have some room for yourself and take breaks at times.

Additionally, this will also help your chat to stay relevant. When the chat is open to all, topics will not always be about the website, product, etc. Since your chat is there to also help with SEO, it helps to stay within the topic. So, it’s best to have these features to monitor the chat flow.

Fortunately, RumbleTalk gives you full control over the administrative features that you need for your website chat. All you need to do is register to the platform and start creating your chat.



Siena Romes

I love to connect with other people, especially chatting. Technology addict and enthusiast. Loves to read about technology trends.