Getting new ideas and content when you embed a group chat for your website

Siena Romes
4 min readMay 23, 2021


Keep your audience engaged. If you always have fresh content, then your audience will keep on visiting your website. This will lead to good traffic and increase conversation rates.

So, how can you do that? A group chat can help you create new content and ideas through a simple method.

Producing high-quality content

Usually, companies spend a large amount of money just to produce high-quality content. This is rampant in digital media and is costly for the company.

Nowadays, social media is the key to decreasing this expense. Companies target the trends in social media such as celebrity gossips, memes, viral videos, and more. However, this has limitations.

All trends come to an end and this will also be the end of the company riding these trends. Now, what will happen to the content of the website or social media pages?

This is where a group chat comes in. A group chat can generate new ideas for you. How does it work? Let’s find out in the next paragraph.

Embedding a group chat on your site

First, place or embed a chat on your website. You can invite your followers, audience, or colleagues to participate in an online event or online chat.

After that, see your audience talk to each other about various ideas surrounding your topic.

With this, your audience can help you generate new ideas as your content. This can be a blog post, article, product, or a new design/page for your website.

If you will use an idea, make sure you get your audience’s permission to post it on your site. If it does come as a comment or a suggestion directed to your product/topic, then you can grab the opportunity to use it as a new idea.

Export your chat transcript to keep track of new ideas

After the discussion or event is over, you can export the chat transcript to keep track of the new ideas that were sent in the group chat. If you want to show your audience the transcript, you can post it on your site.

This will help you to do two things at once. First, you will get new ideas. Second, you will generate traffic because of the highly targeted keywords that may have appeared in the chat transcript.

RumbleTalk customers have been using it since the feature was launched. In turn, they generate new ideas for their site daily.

To export the chat transcript (chat history), you can do it in two ways. You can export it directly in the group chat. Or, you can export it in the admin panel.

Here’s how.

Exporting from the chat

  • First, login to the chat.
  • Then, click the chat settings (gear icon) button.
  • Lastly, click Export transcript from the menu options to export your chat transcript. This will export the chat transcript in a CSV file.

NOTE: What you see in the group chat will only be exported. If you wish to export older messages, scroll up and load the older messages.

Exporting from the admin panel

  • First, log into your account.
  • Then, go to Settings > History.
  • After that, click the Export button.

Then, set what you want to export. You may choose from the following:

  1. Specific text/message or
  2. All chat transcripts.
  • Lastly, click on Export Transcript. This will download it as an HTML, Doc, or CSV file, depending on what you chose.

Now, wait for the results and observe the impact of having a group chat on your site.

Generate new ideas and content for your site

Now, do you see why a group chat can help your site? Not only does it generate new ideas for your site but it also generates traffic. With this traffic, you can attract more customers.

RumbleTalk lets you start with a free account. You’re free to try the platform and see what features and chat types that they have. You can customize your chat and create a minisite for your website. Sign up now to try out their offers.



Siena Romes

I love to connect with other people, especially chatting. Technology addict and enthusiast. Loves to read about technology trends.