Are you making these top event mistakes?

Siena Romes
4 min readDec 29, 2021

Events are there year-round. However, not all companies are versed in handling events, especially in a virtual space. We remember when virtual events boomed. Everyone else was doing it, so even if these people had no experience, others followed because hosting an event was the trend.

It seems like a lot of people was getting the hang of it, but a lot of our customers were not. They tried at first. However, they weren’t getting the results that they wanted.

Now, if you’re a virtual event beginner, we can almost surely say that you’ve experienced these mistakes as well. And once you’ve realized it, you’ll look back and think of all the resources you’ve spent and wasted.

Unless, if you find a way to avoid these mistakes.

Forget all about trial and error. Instead, read on to see the top event mistakes we’ve seen from our customers’ experience.

Event Mistake #1: Holding the event on your own

In the past year, almost all of our customers held an event by themselves with no help at all. Therefore, they had to face some challenging issues along the way. Instead of focusing on their talk, they also made sure to keep up with the audience’s demands.

Turns out, this is what makes most events fail. Even if you are hosting an intimate event, get some moderators to assist you. Everything’s better with more helping hands.

Event Mistake #2: No live streaming platform

If you ever got disappointed with your event results, then you must have made this mistake. Next time, try using a live streaming platform instead of just relying on audio. Audiences like to put a face to the voice or vice versa.

You can try live streaming platforms like Vimeo, Dacast, or even YouTube to add a video to your event. These are easy-to-setup platforms.

Event Mistake #3: Not taking advantage of chat rooms

What if you do have a live streaming platform? How do you connect with your audience? If there’s no medium for them, then they might as well watch a video on YouTube. That’s the difference between holding a live event from a webcast. Everything’s in real-time.

When a participant enters your website, he will watch for a few minutes. After that, he will scroll through your website and see your offerings. When he sees that there’s a group chat room, he will take interest. This is how you retain your audience. Most of our customers realize this when they avail of our service.

This one is not tricky at all. All you have to do is sign up for a chat platform. Fortunately, you can sign up to RumbleTalk and embed a chat room immediately.

  1. After signing up, go to your admin panel.
  2. Click Embed on the dashboard.
  3. See two choices: Embedded or Floating.
  4. Get your code and paste it next to your live streaming platform.

Now, you’re equipped with a medium where you can interact with the audience and potential customers. When you combine it with the three elements above, you’re sure to be successful in hosting any event.

We’ve found that some find these extremely difficult to do. However, with a little practice, these will all be just muscle memory. As long as you’re doing your part in avoiding these mistakes, it can be fairly easy.

In summary

After doing all these steps, you’re now more equipped to handle your event. Make sure that you don’t make the same mistakes again if you’re holding more events in the future.

Now, you too can host events seamlessly, especially if you avoid these common event mistakes. If you find yourself confused, email us at so we can give you a demo.



Siena Romes

I love to connect with other people, especially chatting. Technology addict and enthusiast. Loves to read about technology trends.